Know the Characteristics, Causes and How to Overcome Fungi in Dogs


Your pet dog starts scratching its ears or biting its feet? It could be a sign that the dog has a yeast infection.

When infected with a fungus, the dog will experience skin irritation, itching, causing a red rash. Discomfort caused by infection can interfere with activities.

If not handled properly, fungus can be a dangerous skin problem. Therefore, let's get to know the signs of fungus in dogs, what causes it, and how to deal with it properly!

Causes of Fungi in Dogs

While less common as bacterial or viral infections, yeast infections can be just as serious. In fact, this disease can be transmitted to fellow animals and humans.

There are two main categories of fungal infections that can be diagnosed in dogs, namely systemic fungal infections that affect the dog's major body systems and localized fungal infections that are usually seen on the dog's skin.

“Fungal disease on the dog's skin is also known as dermatophytosis. The types of dermatophytes that most often infect dogs are microsporum and trichophyton.

Here are some causes of dog fungus, including:

1. Poor Dog Hygiene

One of the causes of moldy dogs is poor hygiene. Dogs that are rarely bathed can be easily infected with viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

Poor hygiene, rarely groomed (especially long-haired dogs), dirty cages, collars and other dirty equipment can cause moldy dogs.

It's best to bathe your dog regularly, but not too often, depending on the breed and coat. Make sure you use a shampoo with a special formula for dogs. Then, routinely comb or brush the dog's fur to help remove dirt.

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2. Direct Contact with Infected Animals

The second cause of dog fungus is direct interaction with sufferers. Dogs that have an infection will more easily transmit it to other animals, including when they are playing together.

"Other causes of infection can be because dogs are often released into the wild or kept outside the home, so there is a possibility of dogs interacting with sick animals or playing in the trash,"

3. Low Dog Immunity

Low dog immunity can also be the reason why fungi infect easily. Basically, it is easier for bacteria, viruses or fungi to develop in dogs who are not healthy.

The cause of the fungus developing is due to low immunity, especially in young, old and sick dogs.

Immunosuppressed conditions and dogs that are taking immunosuppressant drugs have a higher potential for contracting this disease. Consumption of drugs can suppress the body's immunity which should be able to fight various diseases, including fungal infections.

4. Humid Environment

Mushrooms like damp places. They can thrive and infect animals around them. It's best if you keep the environment clean and dry. Occasionally, take the dog sunbathing for his health.

"Weather factors, especially the rainy season and high humidity around the kennels, can be the cause of moldy dogs,"

5. Poor Feed Management

Providing unbalanced nutrition can make dogs more susceptible to disease, including protein and vitamin A deficiency. Dogs need complete nutrition to stay healthy and avoid various diseases.

6. Trauma to the Skin

Another cause of fungal infections in dogs is trauma to the skin. Some dogs may have bite marks from other animals while fighting or playing. Skin wounds are usually more susceptible to infection.

"Trauma to the skin includes bite marks from ectoparasites, other animals, scratches, scratching habits, and other injuries on the dog's body," explained drh. Jepriadi.

Mushroom Dog Characteristics

Even though it's quite difficult to spot signs of fungus in dogs, there are several common conditions that you can check as characteristics of a dog with fungus, including:

Dogs often scratch their skin, feet and ears

-If you pay attention, there will be spots on the skin

-The dog's hair starts to fall out

-The skin begins to crust

-Dog nails are more brittle

If the fungus has spread, make sure you check your pet dog to the vet to get treatment.

How to Treat Fungus in Dogs

Fungus in dogs is a common skin problem. However, if an infection has occurred, you should contact the vet to deal with it.

How to treat fungus in dogs? Here's the explanation:

1. Treatment Topical and Oral Therapy

Dog fungus medication is usually prescribed by a doctor according to the condition of the pet. Usually, doctors recommend topical treatments with ointments, creams, or shampoos to help control the infection.

Twice weekly use of lime sulfur, enilconazole, miconazole, or chlorhexidine shampoo is recommended as an effective topical therapy in the treatment of common dermatophytosis in dogs.

It is recommended that the dog's hair be cut to facilitate treatment, especially when applying ointment.

Some veterinarians also recommend drugs taken orally. However, drug consumption will be adjusted to the severity of the fungal infection in dogs.

2. Keep the Environment Dry

Fungus, bacteria, and other viruses really like a moist environment. To keep your pet's coat healthy, make sure the environment is clean and dry.

"The rainy season and high humidity in the kennel can increase the risk of a dog developing fungal infections,"

3. Give Dogs Nutritious Intake

Dogs that are deficient in vitamins and protein can get sick more easily. Vitamin A not only functions for dog growth, but also maintains immunity and improves cell function.

Instead, give your dog foods rich in vitamin A, such as chicken, beef liver, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

Basically, skin problems in dogs are common. However, some dogs will have their activities disrupted if this skin disease is left untreated.

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