Best Dog Training Books |
Spotted dog is derived from the English. Adult dogs generally have a height between 47-60 cm with a weight of 25-30 kg.
Can reach 10-12 years of age. Dalmatian dogs types including large and strong. He has a very symmetric muscle with a somewhat elongated head with a strong muzzle. His nose is black or brown, depending on the body color leopard.
Best Dog Training Books |
His eyes are dark brown or black rounded brilliant look
smart. Soft ear folded down. His tail looks strong with a slightly curved
position. Its fur is short, stiff, thick and shiny. Basic body color with white
spotted black or brown. The character is calm, lively, loyal, free, highly
sensitive, and friendly, love to play with kids, smart, and have a very strong
memory, docile and easily trained.
Best Dog Training Books |