Doggy Problems

Dog Commands
Dog Commands

In the 21th century, a dogs has more problems than before. Human lifestyles increasingly shifted to the urban lifestyle, busier with work and increasingly unfriendly to dogs. We hope the dog still fits the lifestyle even though we are busy working and leisure time we are preoccupied with caring for children, socializing, and others. Anti dog regulations increasingly restrict where we can bring our pet and what can we do to them.

In these days, we are more driving than walking so we put aside our dogs need a walk even often we ignore the needs of our pet for exercise. We often choose the wrong type of dogs. We buy a breed of dog that is costly to treat him without taking into account their instincts and energy, we just choose a puppy that sickly and less sociable so it was never able to overcome the difficulties in their development. Training collar can also make docile.

We are further confused by the many experts who disagree with theories about the behavior of dogs, and each theory claim to have answers to all problems in dogs, but theories are often even contradictory. We follow the suggestions that can help of various theories pet behavior, but found there were suggestions that actually harm.

Dog Commands
Dog Commands

There is a way to use a chain around the neck as a tool to train a dog that can be accepted (though not ideal) when in the hands of an expert on dogs, but can be a torture device if not used properly. Many books best dog training that teaches us about the hierarchical approach, in which the owner of the pet must be 'alpha dog' at home, which makes all kinds of dogs are good and which are not dominant compelled to turn into a dogs bite.

While the owners continue to impose 'he asserted dominance' by pressing the back of a dogs for no apparent reason (called "alpha roll") and many times do not give him dinner. Another suggestion which actually helps but is often misused is training with cage confinement, which aims to members a safe haven and comfortable, but eventually became a prison cell for the pet to spend time alone in the cage.


Be aware that there is no quick way to improve the behavior of the dogs. A successful method for a dog trainer may not work for another, because of the coach, as well as their puppy trainer, is an individual. In fact, most people can be a talented coach, but some are not, and should learn from the experience.

Puppy training course can be very helpful, because it can give you (and your dogs) the opportunity to learn from the experience of others. Look for a training course with a coach who is fond of dogs, and the owner and his pet enjoy the training session. You also need to check the purpose of the training course. Some of the course aims to train the pet to be obedient in the race, which may not correspond to the desired compliance for most dog owners. 

Dog Commands
Dog Commands

For example, most of us want the dog to come when called and immediately seated. You also need to find a coach who thinks the dog and its owner as an individual, and which aims for the two of them put out things the best of them, and instead of forcing the dog trainer to train with excessive ways. Books best dog training can also be found here, which talks about training a puppy, potty training dogs, doggy mess done at home, and others about doggy problems solved.

Maintaining living things, ranging from a dog to a child, means contact with the dirty things that are often found that dogs owners. Potty training dogs at home is not always as smooth as expected. Mud and feathers that loss can turn the house into a clean cage and could be an additional chore for you.

Potty training dogs

Dog Commands
Dog Commands


How to potty training dogs in the house? 


Full supervision is necessary to be able to catch signs of puppy you want to remove the dirt.
Cause: health problems, such as cystitis, diabetes, dogs who live at home alone without pooping decent equipment, stress, showing the region / state, age, failure to train a dog at home. Age is the most obvious factor, puppies and dogs who are old suffered a setback in terms of controlling himself to urinate, while younger ones may have high levels of the hormone are 'high' and would like to make their own mark or trace like the teenager who made graffiti. If once he is a dog that is clean and started pooping in the house, then it likely is because of stress (often caused by anxiety or changes in the home environment).

Handling: First, check that there are no health factors that cause indiscriminate urination, and your dogs also had an adequate opportunity to urinate outside. If both of these fine, time to do house-training intensively for a week or two when you are able to watch him constantly. Even if you have to leave for a short time (no more than one hour), place your dogs in a comfortable and safe place, such as a cage or a corner of the kitchen.

Dog Commands
Dog Commands
All day, every hour take your dog out to pee, let your pet play around with the ground or sniffing for five minutes or more. Do not force your dog to urinate, but give praise when he does it. The time when your pet seems to want to pee was when he was just waking up, after eating, after playing and certainly when the dog started sniffing, circling, looking uncomfortable or start squatting. If it happens in the house, do not scold or punish him, which might frighten him to pee in front of you or in its proper place.

 It also can make it start defecating in hidden places, such as behind a sofa or even eat it so as not to get caught. So, it is better to ignore your dog and clean the dirt slowly. Make sure you use a cleanser free from ammonia content that aims to eliminate the smell of dog excrement for use regular cleaning will leave a smell that can be detected by the dogs and prompted him to defecate in the same place.

Prevention: take your time to practice it at home since the first day, either a puppy or an adult dogs.