Pneumococcal disease in Dogs

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Generally pneumonia is a continuation of the disease upper respiratory tract infection or continuation of Distemper virus infection or herpes. The infection then progressed to pneumonia due to secondary infection by:

  • bacteria
  • Aspergillus fungus Histoplasma.
  • Parasites (Filaroides, Aelurostrongylus, Paragonimus).

The symptoms are very varied, depending on the resistance of each dog, race, age, and presence or absence of secondary infection in it. The disease attacks dogs of all ages without exception.


There are many things that could be the cause of this disease, among others:

  • Due to climate change, cold and rain.
  • Inhalation of corrosive gas, such as ammonia gas, sulfur gas, gas shocks due batteries, other chemical gases.
As a result of primary sources:
  1. Due to chronic illness worms.
  2. immediate Esophageal lung worm diseases.
  3. Esophageal disease from other viruses.
  4. Esophageal bacterial diseases, such as Bordetella, Bronchoseptica, Mycoplasama Chlamydophila pneumoniae.
  5. Esophageal fungi, such as histoplasmosis, Blastomycosis, Aspergillosis.
  6. Trauma, such as choking when drinking milk or liquid medicine.

In general, the causes of pneumonia may overlap or be combined with each other so that it becomes very complex. The factors that influence it are:
  • Climate change, cold, rain, heavy winds.
  • Poor condition of the dog because of anemia, malnutrition, weak, thin, a lot of fleas and ticks.
  • Suffering from chronic intestinal worms.
  • Cages and cribs to sleep is always wet and humid.
  • Due to choke when taking medication or milk.