Mess With Food

Dog Commands
Dog Commands

For an animal, dirt is only part of the diet. Manure contains residual undigested food, and for an animal to recycle dirt often is a pleasure. However, most owners are less happy with this habit, and this brings health risks, such as parasitic attack.


  • opportunities or habits, less given food, too greedy, seeking attention.


  • as a short-term measure, control access your pets in another animal feces by using a rope belt while strolling. If necessary, use a muzzle protector strap. At the same time, do the training to them. At home and when a walk, train commands 'put', do gifts, your pets enough to understand that if he left his findings, then he will get a prize.

Dog Commands
Dog Commands

If he ate dirt, never chase (which would be regarded as an exciting game) try to attract attention by way of contrast, that you ran away from him. Foods high in fiber also can help reduce appetite. You can also try to exercise deterrence: use a long rope, so your dogs to approach the target, use the disk training or toys that can turn him away.

Dog Commands
Dog Commands

Importantly, the most useful tactic is to focus attention on your dog during a walk, take advantage of the positive interaction time through the game, training, and gift-giving. You should be more interesting than a pile of rabbit droppings!


Do not make the mistake of ignoring the most common pets with you when walking. Interact with not only more fun, but also allows you to stop the bad habit like this since the beginning. Train commands 'put' would also be beneficial.