The Labrador retriever

Best Dog Training Books
Best Dog Training Books
Labrador is preferred because it is more familiar to the children, to be their playmate. Labrador has a body that is strong and sturdy, and strong. Labrador dogs are patient.

This dog came from England. Labrador standard adult size, height 52-57 cm with a weight 24-40 kg. Long tapered snout, large nose, eyes round slightly elongated, with a smart appearance.

 Folded ears and fall down. Very strong neck, broad chest and powerful. Tail moderate, covered with fur is smooth and powerful. Hip bones strong. Fur is not wavy, straight course

In general, can reach 14-15 years of age. Solid black fur color, solid yellow, light brown to dark solid. The color is compact without variation. Solid black Labrador puppy has a shorter body than the golden.

Having a friendly character , lively , cheerful , loyal , patient , loving, very sharp sense of smell , obedient , easily trained , can understand commands quickly , clever , patient , expert swim , very good temperament .

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