Recognizing The Early Worm Disease

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Best Dog Training Books
Many dogs who suffer from chronic intestinal worms but not clearly visible symptoms, such as watery diarrhea or bloody cough without cause.

Symptoms are visible only decreased appetite, distended abdomen without cause, and coarse hair loss, watery eyes, pale because of anemia or less blood.

The most frequent type of small dog disease chronic intestinal worms. The signs are excessive tears that wet the fur under the eyelids. Eventually the hair will become darker in color and then changed to brown to blackish brown. This situation often escape the attention of the owner. 

The only way they can think of is to bring the dog to the salon because they think it is just due to the exposed dirt. Salon also not too concerned with thissituation so just do the cleaning up dog look clean and beautiful again.

Usually the salon will take action as follows: 
  1. The first time, the dog is bathed with shampoo so that all dirt dissolve properly and clean. However, these stains tears can not be cleaned easily because the process not only in 1-2 weeks.
  2. The second action is to provide specifically to use bleach on the area to the fullest. These efforts sometimes fail anyway.
  3. Final action is to shave off all the hair that has been stained up really clean and just look skin deep. With the effort then the dog will look normal again so that the owner be satisfied by it.

Unfortunately, this approach does not solve the problem considering stains tears are a natural clinical signs which indicate that the dog is suffering from worms. So after cleaning the fur, two- three months and then stain it will re- appear. So the process will continue over and over, never finished, like a vicious circle. That's because the main cause is not addressed.

The only way that is most noble when your dog excessive tears that wet the feathers under her eyelids and make the fur is stained by a permanent brown color, immediately give worming. Dogs that attack roundworm (Ascaris) can directly be given worming Piperazine citrate which is a type of drugs of choice of the stomach worm disease.

Prove that after being given worming, the next day the worm will be found clustered in the feces, dirt, especially in the morning. Sometimes also be seen in the vomit, which is also accompanied by a worm. Having given de-worming, and then the dog was brought to the salon again. The results are shown in the fur becomes beautiful again without stain. Hopefully these tips useful for dog salons everywhere. 

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